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Make the most of the Arabic around you!

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How to use Arabic on the go. Learning Arabic from the things around you.

Make the most of the Arabic around you!

Blogpost Reflections by: Aneesa


Ayesha is out and about to buy stationery for the new academic year. On the way, a word caught her interest:


(which in the Arabic language means to stop, in command form). Thereon, her interest in signboards grew and she kept noticing different signboards throughout the city. The following week, as she drove into the narrow parking of a mall, her eyes lit up when she noticed something on the signboard that says

موقف السيارات

It sounded very close to قف, but what did it mean? Of course, this means a car park. She kept nodding her head and singing to herself قف موقف قف موقف. Woah, it is rhyming. 

Early Monday morning, Ayesha attends her Tajweed class. As she was reciting the teacher said “Ayesha can you please do the waqf – stopping on this word again”. This again rang a bell in Ayesha’s head. 

قف موقف وقف قف موقف وقف. 

Ayesha joins her class with an Arabically tutor with great enthusiasm and sings her new rhyme 

قف موقف وقف 

Everything is rhyming. 

The teacher said ” You know what’s the exciting part يا عائشة!

They all have similar meanings as well. قف – to stop, موقف السيارات – the place where a car STOPS, وقف also means stop. 

Ayesha out of happiness ” أحب العربية “



If you want to actively participate in this month’s Arabic Lego Club, we are talking, writing, singing, and reading all things “ON THE GO”. Our online Lego Club Membership is almost full and we will be taking in our last few clients before September 29th, 2022. If you are interested in joining a community of Arabic-loving families and want to share your learning and build lego along the way, do join our membership here: https://forms.gle/jdpGkzgy3pZttxUVA



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